Day-2 of 20days training on how to make $500-$5000 monthly from Free Blogspot

Step to follow in writing your blog post

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We want to talk on how to write blog post that will make your visitors sign up for your newsletter. To tell you that fact, if you don’t write good content, your visitors will not finish reading your articles and they will not trust you for future post. So, you need killer content that will make your visitors share your post to their friends.

But before you will do that, you must know what you want to write about and what you want to write must relate to the clickbank products you are promoting, if its not related you will not get targeted people that will signup. You will need to visit clickbank and look for the best products to promote. If you want to promote weight lose product, 3weeks diet will be the best products to promote because this products is one of the clickbank hot cake. Now, let me take you through clickbank sites.

How to Register on Clickbank

Note: If you are from USA, registering on clickbank will not have problem. But if you are from African countries or Asia, you will need to get USA address to use in registering on clickbank. Now go to google and google search any USA address that you will use, make sure you get the address and their code including phone number, don’t worry about the phone number, they don’t need your phone number. And if you want your own number, you can buy USA phone number. Now; go to and register, make sure you follow all the instruction very well.

Use your best email and the password that you will not forget. After registered, you will need to look for the products to promote. You can go to google and search for the best clickbank products in 2016, I believed, health products will be the second if not first. Have not search for that this year because I have the one have been promoting since last year and is okay for me.

And if you don’t want to go to google, you can click on marketplace on clickbank, by the left side you will see the categories, if you need health products, click on health/fitness, once you click on that, a page will pup up. You will need to filter it, here is what you will see:

A products with gravity of 20% is okay

What you need Is the products that have minimum of 20% this means that 20 affiliate peole like you have succeeded in promoting this products, is possible that they have sold over 1000 of this products, but this tells you that 20 people have promote this products and they have sold it which means; if you promote it you will also sell that like crazy. 

Some products will have like 200% gravity, some 300% you can also promote those products but I will not advice you to focus on those type of products because there will be a lot of competition about that products and you that just launch your site will not sell like those people who started promoting that products when its first launch. 

Am not saying that products is not good, but many people like you are promoting it, I will advice you to promote a products with 20% to 100% gravity.  

After getting the Products to Promote

Now, you have gotten the products to promote from clickbank on your blog, the next thing is to make an articles for that product. Let say, you want to promote “3weeks diet” this products is a weight lose products, you can search for weight lose pdf on google, you will see a lot of free report, you will just download it and use it to make your own post.  But you need to edit this very well because thousands of people like you have used that same. You can use one ebook to create more than 50 post, but make sure you edit it very well.

I believed you enjoy this post. Please if you know about this very well, you can add your comment so that people will learn from your experience. And you can also share this post to your friends for them to benefit from this.

Note; if you get to this page through search engine or through other site. Please go here now and sign up for this Training. Is a free 20days training. So go here; 


  1. thanks boss, I am gradually learning the ropes on how to unlock online wealth. Once again, I thank you.

  2. You welcome. am glad you like it


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